

Nameh Marsin photo by Anne Staveley

Self-Awareness Coach

Supporting people as they integrate freedom into more parts of their life.


Nameh supports clients to embody freedom via integrated authenticity using various self-awareness techniques, such as

  • Human Design

  • Parts work

  • Inner dialogue communication

  • 4N’s (Notice, Name, Navigate, Nourish)

Nameh Marsin's Human Design

Each person’s Human Design chart is created using their birth details (exact time, date, location).

This chart maps out abundant details providing ‘true nature’ sign posts.

Human Design offers a framework to understand

  • what is your true nature?

  • how might you be living out of alignment?

  • what are your brilliant qualities that shines out without you ‘trying’?

  • what practical tools can help you return back to and remain anchored in your true nature?

Integrating self-awareness invites ease, joy, play, and authenticity.

Integrating self-awareness invites ease, joy, play, and authenticity.